Schools all over the country are bringing augmented reality to their yearbooks this spring through Walsworth’s Yearbook AR app.
However, learning the AR technology and creating interesting content is just the first step. Now, many yearbook staffs are starting to take the next step of promoting this exciting new feature.
The yearbook staff from Braden River High School in Bradenton, Florida, did an awesome job of that with the video you can watch below.
What makes this such an effective marketing video? There are several things done well here. The Braden River staff showed Yearbook AR in action to create a buzz, they showed students getting excited about the yearbook and they also included sales information.
Is your staff using Yearbook AR? Did you create a promotional video? If so, we’d love to check it out. For any videos under 10 MB, email them to us at or share them with us through social media on our Twitter or Facebook pages.
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